Our work is centred around protecting the Serra de Tramuntana, raising awareness and securing the agreement and commitment of local people, organisations, companies and institutions in terms of shaping a sustainable economy and guaranteeing the environmental quality, natural and cultural heritage, inhabitant wellbeing and the quality of the experience for its visitors.


We feel that the Serra de Tramuntana can become a pilot project that demonstrates the viability of a new model of territory relationship which is more inclusive, more respectful and more responsible.

It represents a fantastic opportunity to align the interests and needs of different sectors, allowing for the regeneration of the environment and culture along the path towards a fairer and more resilient society.

It is a laboratory of good practices in terms of environmental protection, primary sector recovery, public use management, good governance, respect for tradition and a commitment to innovation.


JOE HOLLES. President

English by birth, but an adopted mallorquí. With an educational background in the field of philosophy and literature and proven experience in the audiovisual and activism sectors, Joe works in the world of business by creating bonds between the environment, technology and society. 


Forest ranger who feels “at home” amongst pine trees. Luis is a defender, manager and restorer of natural spaces and forests. He is concerned by the abandonment and desertification of the extraordinary cultural landscapes of the Serra de Tramuntana. He enjoys hiking and partaking in the practice of ‘forest bathing’: hiking the Serra while consciously connecting with what’s around him.


With ties to the world of business and agriculture, Bruno settled in Mallorca one decade ago. Since then, he has focused on the recuperation of agriculture, landscapes and architectural heritage of some of the most iconic location in the municipality of Valldemossa.


Antònia Llabrés Bernat is a biologist who currently works as a technician at the Balearic Nature Institute (IBANAT). In this role, she focuses on communicating and raising awareness of the risk of forest fires, paying special attention to forest regions such as the Serra de Tramuntana. Antònia has been demonstrating a strong commitment to environmental conservation for many years, being an active participant in various neighbourhood movements.


Born and raised in Sóller, Bartomeu has always supported the family agricultural activity of historical olive groves, traditional olive mills, citrus cultivation and ancient irrigation systems. He cites the introduction of “sustainable” tourism as an example of subsistence. Canals is a trained economist and is currently a member of the Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Tourism Expert Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). He is acutely aware of the content and the management plan of the Serra de Tramuntana’s declaration as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Social psychologist. He holds a master’s degree from the London School of Economics. He previously worked in the Social Services of the city halls of Barcelona, Palma and Marratxí, and also held a role in the Mallorca Council. He is the ex-president of the Balearic College of Psychologists and the Institute of Social Work and Social Services (INTRESS) and was also a member of the ANESVAD Foundation. He is the co-founder and honorary member of Arca and was also a member of parliament for the Balearic Islands. He is currently the president of the ‘Iniciatives del Mediterrani’ Foundation and secretary of the Palma XXI Association.


With an educational background in Biological Sciences, Joan made his first forays into management in the La Trapa nature reserve. For more than 20 years now, he has been working as an environmental manager for different parts of the Serra de Tramuntana. He claims to be a lover of ‘impossible’ projects, where weaknesses end up becoming strengths. He is a firm defender of civic participation and consensus seeking.


Degree in Geography from the University of Palma (now of the Balearic Islands), 1982. PhD in Geography from the UIB, November 1999. Her professional activity has been carried out mainly in the Balearic Institute of Statistics between 1986 and the present. She has also been a Member of the Parliament of the Balearic Islands and Delegate Councilor of Urbanism, Land Planning and Environment at the Consell Insular de Menorca and later of Mallorca. She has been awarded several prizes such as the Fifth Prize for Cultural Research “Francesc de Borja Moll” 1991 and the Premi Ullastre for her contribution to the Insular Territorial Plan of Menorca.


Biologist. Educator and communicator of the MUCBO – Botanical Garden of Sóller-Balearic Museum of Natural Sciences, founding member of the Association of Forest Baths of the Balearic Islands and promoter of naturalistic routes in Sencelles.She accompanies people to discover the natural environment, from different points of view and experiences, to awaken feelings of care and protection. 


Philologist, writer, researcher and cultural guide. Author of roughly seventy books on the history, culture, folklore and heritage of the Balearic Islands, and the Serra de Tramuntana in particular. He also collaborates with various magazines, newspapers and radio programmes, and has co-presented the show “Un lloc amb història” [A place with history] on IB3. He is the co-author of various heritage catalogues around the island, including the Comprehensive Catalogue of Possessions of the Serra de Tramuntana.


French by birth, “mallorquí” by adoption with roots in the Vall de Sóller. With more than 25 years of professional experience in the banking sector.Passion for the Tramuntana, accompanying friends along the Ruta de Pedra en Sec and for the last three years along the seven routes of Camí de Lluc, in tune with the beauty and harmony of nature. Promoter of the activity “Pizca de Ciencia”, member of the association “En Conciencia” and of the Association of Forest Baths of the Balearic Islands.


“Palmesano” by birth but “deianenc” by adoption, graduated in geography, technician in natural and landscape resources, hiking and nature guide, linked to the management of protected natural areas, three years in the national maritime-terrestrial park of Cabrera, eight years as technical director of the public estate Son Real, 10 years as a technician of the tourism product “Ecotourism”, currently has a company of ecotourism specifically interpretive hiking “Martin’s Walks”.